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The path class facilitates the manipulation of paths using stack and iterator notations. More...

Data Structures

struct  dar_path
 Incomplete struct for use as path reference pointer. More...


NAMESPACE_LIBDAR_START dar_pathdar_path_create (char *path)
 Creates a new path object from c string.

dar_pathdar_path_copy (dar_path *ref)
 Copy constructor.

void dar_path_destroy (dar_path *ref)
 Frees memory used by path object.

bool dar_path_compare (dar_path *ref, dar_path *path)
 Returns true if paths are exactly alike.

bool dar_path_is_relative (dar_path *ref)
 Returns true if the path is relative, false if absolute.

bool dar_path_is_subdir_of (dar_path *ref, dar_path *path, bool case_sensit)
 Returns true if reference is a subdirectory of path.

char * dar_path_iterate_next (dar_path *ref)
 Gets c string containing the name of the next child directory.

void dar_path_iterate_reset (dar_path *ref)
 Resets iteration position at the root or shallowest child.

bool dar_path_stack_push (dar_path *ref, dar_path *path)
 Adds another relative path to the end of the reference path.

bool dar_path_stack_peek (dar_path *ref, char **name)
 Returns deepest child directory name without removing it from the stack.

bool dar_path_stack_pop (dar_path *ref, char **name)
 Pops the deepest child directory off the stack, or returns false if there are no more children left (only one element on the stack).

bool dar_path_stack_pop_front (dar_path *ref, char **name)
 Pops the root or topmost directory.

char * dar_path_get_string (dar_path *ref)
 Returns full path name.

unsigned int dar_path_get_depth (dar_path *ref)
 Returns the number of elements left in the path.

Detailed Description

The path class facilitates the manipulation of paths using stack and iterator notations.

While not specifically limited by the interface, the path class currently supports only Unix notation.

While used by the library, are available to you as an additional tool, not as an interface. If you choose to use them you must export any results to c strings before using them.

Unlike mask classes, a path class is fully mutable. The path class of functions are wrappers over the methods of the C++ object, a link to which will be returned from constructor or copy functions. When calling the methods, pass the as the first argument and additional arguments as required.

The path functions are organized starting with dar_path. There are create, copy, destroy, and other functions there. For more continuity, the stack and iteration methods have been named dar_path_stack and dar_path_iterate respectively.

Like the mask functions, all functions that take another path object make a local copy of the object and leave the object pointed to by the passed in variable untouched. Therefore, the caller will have to remember to take care of destroying objects manually.

Function Documentation

dar_path* dar_path_copy dar_path   ref

Copy constructor.

Creates a fresh path object.

Definition at line 53 of file path.cpp.

NAMESPACE_LIBDAR_START dar_path* dar_path_create char *    path

Creates a new path object from c string.

Returns null if string is not a valid path.

Definition at line 42 of file path.cpp.

unsigned int dar_path_get_depth dar_path   ref

Returns the number of elements left in the path.

An absolute path adds one for the root directory itself.

 foo/bar/directory   3
/foo/bar/directory   4

Definition at line 171 of file path.cpp.

char* dar_path_get_string dar_path   ref

Returns full path name.

String will represent either an absolute or relative path.

Definition at line 161 of file path.cpp.

bool dar_path_is_subdir_of dar_path   ref,
dar_path   path,
bool    case_sensit

Returns true if reference is a subdirectory of path.

For example, /one/two/three is a subdirectory of /one/two and this/that is a subdirectory of this.

Definition at line 79 of file path.cpp.

bool dar_path_stack_peek dar_path   ref,
char **    name

Returns deepest child directory name without removing it from the stack.

Will always output a string, but will return false if the output is the last possible element (no more parent directories).

This method should be used whenever the deepest child is desired. This is equivalent to basename in libdar proper.

Definition at line 118 of file path.cpp.

bool dar_path_stack_pop_front dar_path   ref,
char **    name

Pops the root or topmost directory.

Returns false when only the deepest child is left or path is equal to the root directory.

Definition at line 145 of file path.cpp.

bool dar_path_stack_push dar_path   ref,
dar_path   path

Adds another relative path to the end of the reference path.

Returns false if pushed path is not relative (can't add an absolute path to another absolute path!)

Definition at line 106 of file path.cpp.